We must approach the subject of counselling from a biblical worldview, and always bring Scripture to bear on any topic. We experience pain and suffering from two main sources.
Firstly, we have a sinful nature that is opposed to God and holiness (Rom. 8:7; Gal. 5:19-21). This sinful nature causes us to think and act in sinful ways, which brings negative consequences.
Secondly, the earth and everything in it is cursed by sin. We therefore experience pain and difficulties from external sources, such as other people’s sinful actions and natural disasters that impact on our lives and cause us distress. Our physical bodies are also subject to disease and decay.
The above two sources obviously impact each other. For example, as we experience pain and suffering from trials or difficulties, we can respond to them in sinful ways, which leads to further negative consequences.
This means that secular psychology, which does not have a biblical worldview, nor acknowledges the massive impact that sin has had on us and our environment, can never bring lasting comfort and help.