This devotional guide for parents is based on H.L. Taylor’s adaptation of Pilgrim’s Progress for children, entitled Little Pilgrims Progress (by Moody Publishers). However, because this devotional guide is based on the main story and characters of Pilgrim’s Progress, the original work or any faithful adaption of the original can also be used. In this guide the chapters correspond to the chapters of Taylor’s version of Little Pilgrim’s Progress.
’n Handleiding vir Ouers is gebaseer op die oorspronklike verhaal en karakters van John Bunyan se boek, The Pilgrim’s Progress, asook Helen Taylor se weergawe, Little Pilgrim’s Progress, waarin sy die taal en voorbeelde vir kinders aangepas het terwyl die oorspronklike temas behou is. In 2011 is die Afrikaanse weergawe, Die Klein Pelgrim se Reis, gepubliseer. Alhoewel die hoofstukke in ’n Handleiding vir Ouers, ooreenstem met die hoofstukke van Die Klein Pelgrim se Reis, kan enige ander betroubare weergawe gebruik word.
We have decided to publish these letters in the hope that they will stir other parents to think about the legacy they are leaving their children. So often the focus of parents is on providing a good home and education for their children. Or they focus on leaving them a business or some form of financial inheritance. There is nothing wrong with these desires. However, they pale into insignificance when compared to the responsibility of leaving a spiritual legacy for our children.